Classificació de gestos emprant la placa IoT-02

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Instal·lació d'eines d'aprenentatge automàtic (machine learning) i tensorflow emprant Python

Si no teniu instal·lat Anaconda, feu-hi la instal·lació.

En cas de tenir actiu conda, desactiveu-ho:

conda deactivate

Feu un entorn per a treballar amb tensorflow:

conda create -n ml tensorflow
conda activate ml
pip install everywhereml

Pugeu a la Placa IoT-02 el codi IoT-02_mpu6050_dataForwarder.ino

$ python 
This is an interactive data capturing procedure.
Keep in mind that as soon as you will enter a class name, the capturing will start, so be ready!
Which class are you going to capture? (leave empty to exit) quiet
31it [00:30,  1.01it/s]                                                                                 
Captured 1805 samples
Is this class ok? (y|n) y
Which class are you going to capture? (leave empty to exit) amunt-avall
31it [00:30,  1.03it/s]                                                                                 
Captured 1771 samples
Is this class ok? (y|n) y
Which class are you going to capture? (leave empty to exit) esquerra-dreta
31it [00:30,  1.03it/s]                                                                                 
Captured 1777 samples
Is this class ok? (y|n) y
Which class are you going to capture? (leave empty to exit) cercle
31it [00:30,  1.02it/s]                                                                                 
Captured 1794 samples
Is this class ok? (y|n) y
Which class are you going to capture? (leave empty to exit) 
Are you sure you want to exit? (y|n) y

i genera imu.csv

Instal·lació de l'edge-impulse-data-forwarder

Aquesta eina serveix per a publicar dades des de la placa fins al servidor d'Edge Impulse

curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
mkdir ~/.npm-global
npm config set prefix '~/.npm-global'
echo 'export PATH=~/.npm-global/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
npm install -g edge-impulse-cli --force

Un cop instal·lat, es pot executar des del terminal:



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